Blustery Showers Can’t Dampen The Strawberry Spirit!
After an enforced absence due to the pandemic, The Talisman Bowmen’s Strawberry Shoot made a triumphant – if somewhat windswept and wet – return to the archery calendar as teams from RN South Coast Archers, Tenzone Bowmen, Forest Of Bere Bowmen and, of course, Talisman Bowmen met on the field for a day of friendly rivalry, colour prize competitions, strawberries and cream and more raffle prizes than you can shake a tombola at, overseen by judge Paul Richards and Lady Paramount Louise Fawcett.
With the first four dozen shot before a well-deserved break for lunch and the final two dozen completed shortly after a leisurely stroll back from the pub, honours were shared between hosts and visitors alike.
The Individual Gold went to Andy McNamara of RN South Coast Archers while Silver and Bronze went to Talisman’s own Craig Holton and Luke Halladay respectively.
In the Team Competition, RN South Coast Archers (Andy McNamara, Debbie Young and Steve Searle) once again scooped the Gold while a Talisman Team consisting of Luke Halladay, Lynsey Tucker, Greg Lawrence and Eddie McBride secured the Silver Medals. Lastly, but by no means least, in a fantastic showing for the future of the club, the Bronze medals went to the Talisman Juniors team of Arwen Marsh, Lilly Adlam and Alex Tucker.
Congratulations to the medal winners and well done to everyone who took part this year!
Finally, a huge thank you to Dave Adlam, Ron Hodges, Andy Traves, Maria Fox and everyone who helped organise and run the day.
Look forward to seeing you all again next year!