A few recent reportable results for Talisman members…
Having decided to have a go at a Portsmouth “Bare Bow”, David submitted his impressive score of 464 to the Archery GB January Postal Portsmouth and appears in the draft results as having taken ninth place! That’s an excellent result in a nationwide event – well done David!
And, well done to the Talisman members who braved the cold to shoot in virtual darkness at the Southampton Archery Club Floodlit Frostbite on Saturday 27th Feb.
Andy, treasurer and recent Bare Bow convert, took first place and the trophy for Senior Gents Bare Bow – another excellent result and, considering that on our field Andy often ends up with an aiming point in a distant tree, I have no idea how he got such a great result in the dark!
Congratulations also go to: Oliver who came second in the Junior Gents Recurve; Rebecca, who came first in the Junior Ladies Recurve; Kristal, who took second for the Senior Ladies Recurve section; and John who took second place in the Senior Gents Recurve. Others of us enjoyed their company, the shoot, the food and as ever splendid hospitality of our hosts at Southampton Archery Club.
John isn’t in the photo as he doesn’t like being in photo’s (and that’s hardly surprising after what happened to him last Wednesday!) Kristal would also have been there had we found her, we suspect she had beaten a hasty retreat to a warmer climate.