I did have some more pictures to encourage you: the balmy May day, the Talisman Team relaxing in the gazebo, the splendid range and the like, imagine all that loveliness – which you’ll have to do as sadly I can’t find the pic’s!
Come out to play!
We’ve been invited to compete in the forthcoming Forest of Bere Bowmen Invitational Anniversary Challenge Tournament. We put in a team last year and had a throughly enjoyable day (don’t worry too much about where we came in the results) and it would be great if this year you’d consider joining us.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve shot in a tournament before (a session on the field will let us give you the basics of how the day will unfold), it doesn’t matter if you don’t feel you shoot like an Olympian, what matters is that you’re happy enough to shoot at 60 and 50 yards and fancy trying the tournament experience among friends.
The round will be a Western, so four dozen at 60 yards and 4 dozen at 50 yards (you can practice on the field any Sunday before hand). Teams must comprise six members and both sexes must be represented in the team. You can shoot any bow and there are handicap advantages for those shooting bare bow and longbow (disadvantages for those shooting compound) FoBB put on a BBQ and refreshments and make their visitors very welcome at their sheltered shooting ground at Horndean.
The cost is £8 per archer which includes the BBQ, non-shooters are welcome to attend for the BBQ at £4 each.
The tournament will take place on Monday 30th May.
We have one team already and are looking to enter a second team. If you’re interested please contact Dean (record’s officer) via the website contact form or have a chat with him at one of our sessions. Don’t be shy, it doesn’t matter if you’re a gent, lady or junior, or which bow you shoot, there’s a place for you if you’d like to come along and it’s a great way to discover just how friendly the local tournament scene is.