End of an era!…
Don’t panic, Martyn is staying with us, but it is the end of an era as he stands down from the role of Chairman, after thirteen years at the sharp end! At the AGM Martyn shared these words…
“Today I am standing down from the club Chairmanship after many enjoyable years, but still intend to play an active role in support of our club. I am pleased to report that our club is in a healthy state with a growing and enthusiastic membership. Club nights both outdoor and indoor have been well supported; the two session shooting times at Brookfield have eased the overcrowding. Our indoor junior shoot was a success with a near record entry.
Our development program for Hunts Pond Rd range is progressing toward agreement with Fareham BC, we hope to get one container in position this summer with the second one to follow a year later. Fund raising will be needed in support of this, many thanks to Lesley Stevens for what she has raised so far.
Beginners’ courses have been well supported and there are currently enough on the waiting list to fill the next two courses.
Finally I would like to thank the committee members for their ideas and support and also welcome all new members who have joined us since our last AGM.”
Martyn also thanked his wife, Julie, for her continual support during his time as Chairman, recognizing that that had often caused her to be in the position of “archery widow” while he was engaged in club activities.
Having steered the club through good times and bad over many years, it’s a fitting testament to Martyn’s sterling work in the Chair that he leaves the role with the club in a healthy state with the growing and enthusiastic membership he notes. The club has been shaped in such a way that we can all be proud that we really do live up to the line “The friendly archery club for all”. We experience that in the club, our friends and associates in the wider local archery community view us in that way and the reputation we all enjoy and work to maintain is rooted in Martyn’s ambitions and efforts for the club he has guided along for over a decade.
To show their appreciation, members had a secret whip-round and Matt was able to present Martyn with a signed card, a wallet of Theatre Vouchers and a posh box of choc’s as an expression of our thanks and recognition of all that Martyn has done for the club in his role as Chairman.
Now we step bravely into a world led by a man unafraid to wear an animal themed furry onesie – in public!