This is where you can download club specific items such as Beginners’ Course and Application for Membership forms. We’ve also made some sheets listing the various rounds (and similar bits and pieces) and although they were made for members, if you’re visiting and would find them useful do download a copy. When you click to download an item it will open in another window.
As well as links to Archery GB and World Archery we’ve included others that you may find of interest. If you find any broken links please be so kind as to let the Web Officer know and they’ll fix or remove the offender.

2023 Beginners Form

Sight Mark Chart

Talisman New Member Application Form

GDPR Acceptance

Score Sheet

Membership Renewal Form

Indoor Rounds – Metric and Imperial

Outdoor Rounds – Metric

Outdoor Rounds – Imperial

Five & Ten Zone Scoring
Links you might find useful or interesting
Archery TV
Great place to catch up with National and International events with good quality film and commentary, plus a load of other archery related clips, it’s what rainy Sundays were made for
Rules of Shooting
This is an important one, containing the rules of shooting and rounds lists
This contains rules and classification scores, worth a look
Martyn drew my attention to these handy video clips, where coaches working with intermediate archers cover some useful aspects of form, alignment and the like. Useful overviews of things Martyn and Malcolm have already told us, so useful for a refresh and reminder.
We’re fortunate that we have a pro-archery shop nearby and always find the staff at Quicks knowledgeable and helpful. With a good range of stock and an indoor range for testing it’s bound to be a shop you’ll come to know well.
If you make the trip remember they’re closed on Sundays and Mondays and are closed for lunch 12.30 – 2.00.
Reference Guide for Recurve Archers
Martyn flagged up this very useful and informative PDF full of info and tips on equipment, form, tuning and more. Great little section on pressure buttons and generally lots of good stuff, one to add to your library!
Of course, there are many arrow makers out there, but as Easton were instrumental in setting up the spine charts and so on, their site is a useful one. It’s interesting generally, but if you’re selecting arrows you’ll find all the individual specifications here, which is great when you’re comparing the finer detail.