Don’t panic about the new role Matt, you know you’ll always get a little help from your friends 😉
Cabinet Reshuffle – New Man Leads the Troops!
When Martyn stood down “The Chair” was vacant for only a moment as Matt Tracey was unanimously voted in as our new Chairman. A long-standing club member, enthusiastic, experienced archer and hard working committee member for some years, Matt bravely and willingly stepped up to the line. I think I can speak for us all when I say well done Matt, you will have our support and assistance and we look forward to your stewardship of the club.
Emily has stepped down from being Club Secretary and that position has been taken by John Barfoot who now has the unenviable task of turning all that is said at committee meetings into a comprehensive set of minutes (the phrase rather you than me springs to mind!).
Having left the role of Equipment Officer, that space was filled by David Allen who will now have the job of persuading Andy, who maintained the role of treasurer, that he really does need to spend money on new target faces when the gold and red have both been shot out!
Dean Chambers continues in the role of records officer and, with Kristal leaving us due to increased commitments to scouting, we have a sparkly new Tournaments Officer in the shape of John Taylor, who has already been preparing and supplying the tournament lists you’ll find on our website.
The website remains with me and I will continue to try and ensure it’s useful and informative as well as keeping the peripheral communications on the go. That means that I get to tell you about the neat events and gatherings that Caroline will continue to put together as she maintains the role of Social Secretary.
Martyn has taken on the role of Child Protection Officer while Malcom is taking a break from the position of Junior Interest Officer so that someone else can give it a go and, while the position isn’t yet filled, Clare is having a think (go on, you know you want to).
We have two member representative positions, but neither were filled as no one put their hand up. I actually see that as a good thing, usually member rep’s do the job of making sure committees are on side with members’ wants and needs and that members are listened to and have a voice and so on. The fact that none of the many members present volunteered for the role suggests to me that members feel the committee is looking after them, their needs and their development in the right way, which is a smashing vote of confidence and indicator that we seem to be getting it right.