Our next beginner’s course…
Our beginners courses run in April and October each year. To secure your place on the next available beginners course please download and complete a form but do not send any money at this stage – payment will be requested once your place is confirmed.
Please note the minimum age for the course is 10.
There are a maximum of six places on each course. If there are no places available on the next course, you will be added to a waiting list to hold you a place on the next scheduled course. If anyone should drop out you will be offered a place on the earliest course on a first come first served basis.
Where and when?
Depending upon the time of year, training is given at Brookfield Community School, or Hunts Pond Road Recreation Ground, on consecutive Wednesday evenings for a period of six weeks. Training starts at 6pm.

What does this course give me?
Our course gives you a grounding in how to do archery which will allow you to continue in the sport and build upon the basic skills you will gain through this course. Most importantly, our course gives you an introduction to the skills of archery while ensuring you know how to keep yourself and others safe. If, at the end of your course, you meet the required standard you will be awarded a certificate of completion and you will become eligible to apply for membership of Talisman Bowmen (or another archery club) should you wish to do so.
Essentially, the beginners’ course can give you an opening onto a rewarding pursuit that allows you to build skills and challenge yourself in ways that suit you, while also opening the door to a friendly local, national and international community of archers.
How much?
A beginner’s course costs £45 per person, regardless of age, payable in advance of the course beginning but only once your place has been confirmed.
Booking form
Visit our downloads page to get a beginners’ course booking form.

Does the club provide equipment?
Yes, the club provides all the equipment you’ll need to complete the course, bows, arrows and all accessories.
Do I need any previous experience?
None whatsoever, you don’t need to have held a bow or even seen one up close, our beginners’ course starts at the very beginning. But, if you do know a bit about it we’ll see where you’re at and work from there.
My daughter's a bit shy, is that a problem?
It shouldn’t be. Beginners’ courses take place in the hall where members are shooting, but they’re shooting, not watching or judging beginners. And, it’s interesting in archery that everyone seems to remember that they were a beginner once and typically archers are more helpful and guiding to beginners than judgemental, so don’t be shy – we were all beginners once.
Is there a minimum age?
Yes, the minimum age required for a beginners course/to join the club is ten years old
Can I shoot with a crossbow?
No, crossbows are not permitted at any of the venues we shoot at.
Next beginners’ course…

Beginners’ courses are run throughout the year. To give beginners time to get properly settled with what they’re doing, we run our archery beginners’ course over six weeks, with a two-hour session each week. This prevents “overload”, let’s people learn at a pace that is right for them and provides opportunities for beginners to meet club members, who can be a valuable source of encouragement and information.
We have the good fortune to have two excellent coaches at the club, with incredibly deep knowledge and long experience in archery. Club coach, Martyn, is also a Hampshire County Coach. His coaching partners, Dave Adlam brings his own knowledge and experiences to bear and between them our coaches give beginners a great start in this tremendous sport.
All equipment is provided. Upon successful completion of the course you’ll be given a certificate confirming your achievement, which will be required to gain membership of Talisman Bowmen or other archery clubs.
Beginners’ course. For more information regarding our courses, please read all the information on this page and head over to our downloads page for a beginners’ course application form. Our beginners’ course application form requests information that we require in order to place you on one of our courses, along with key information you’ll need to know. This includes when and where the courses take place as well as where to return the form!
Six two-hour sessions over six weeks. Learn at a comfortable pace, getting to grips with one thing before moving on to the next, building your skills session-on-session. One-to-one training is a very important part of our course. You’ll be in a group but, recognised as an individual within the group, you will receive one-to-one coaching throughout.
Inclusive and enjoyable environment. Beginners work in their own space during club sessions. Members won’t disturb or disrupt, but you will find them friendly and inclusive.
New friends. Most of our beginners become members so there’s a high probability that your course-mates will become members too. That and the welcoming approach of our members makes the transition into the club very easy.
After your course. If you complete your course and join the club we’ll lend you club equipment for up to three months (other clubs may rent you equipment after a course). This loan period helps you settle in and gives you time to make the right decisions about what archery equipment you would like to buy. You’ll get lots of free advice on what you’ll need and coaches can give you advice on new and second-hand equipment. You won’t stop learning either. Beginners-turned-members receive informal follow-up coaching as they make the transition into the club, you won’t be just left not knowing what to do! As a member, you’ll continue to have free access to our coaching resources.
We’re running a waiting list for future courses – if you’d like to go onto the list please download, complete and return the application form (link below). But, don’t send any money. When the next course date is established we’ll get in touch and we can formalise your application and take payment at that point.
If you have any questions use our contact form to send your enquiry and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
NB. We’ve been asked if we could increase the number of people per course, but doing so could diminish the quality of the course and we’ll not do that: we’ll offer a good course or none at all. Apologies if that means a wait, but the good things are worth waiting for.