Club AGM: Wed’s 13th April
7pm Brookfield
One for the diary! The club AGM will be held in a classroom close to the gym so you’ll find everybody easily enough on the night and of course (always sadly) there won’t be any shooting that evening.
To correct an error in my earlier AGM post, there will not be “any other business” at the AGM, as time will not allow for that. However, if you have anything you’d like raised or discussed please talk to a committee member soon so they can take that forward for you.
We may require volunteers for some committee posts, so if you feel that’s for you be sure to come along to throw your hat in the ring. As well as that, we may need volunteers for a summer tournament we’re planning and there’ll be more about that on the night.
This is your club and you must take from it and put in to it what works for you, but the committee will always appreciate your attendance, interest and support so do come along if you can.