Saturday 1st October
Lots of people have shown an interest in attending an archery workshop, so Martyn’s set one up for you. He and Malcolm will run an afternoon where you can get into some of the other side of things. Perhaps you want to know how to fletch your arrows, tie a nocking point, do paper-tuning or something similar – this will be your chance to get into such things.
1pm – 5pm Brookfield Gym
That’s the time and location. There will be a small fee payable on the day, not sure how much yet, that sort of depends on numbers as the fee is to cover the hire of the gym, so please bring some cash for that. All being well, we’ll be able to sort out some tea and coffee, but you may want to bring a snack and a bottle of water.
If you have any particular thing you want to know about please have a word with Martyn and Malcolm, it helps them to run the workshop if they know some of the specific things people are after.
If bow tuning is something you think you might need the workshop for, don’t forget to bring your kit 😉
An idea of numbers would be useful so please let Martyn know if you plan to attend (and if you sign up and don’t turn up you will still need to pay your share of the hire fee).